Stock Information

What is the ticker symbol and CUSIP number for Hilton Worldwide common stock?

Ticker Symbol: HLT
CUSIP: 43300A203

What exchange is Hilton Worldwide listed on?

Hilton Worldwide is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Does Hilton Worldwide pay dividends?

A history of our quarterly dividends can be found here.

What name is Hilton Worldwide's registered company name? What is your state of incorporation?

Our registered company name is Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. Our state of incorporation is Delaware.

How can I purchase Hilton Worldwide shares?

You can purchase shares of Hilton Worldwide through the brokerage firm of your choice.

Can I purchase stock directly from Hilton Worldwide?

Hilton Worldwide does not have a direct purchase plan at this time.

Who is Hilton Worldwide's transfer agent and what can they help me with?

A transfer agent is a regulated agency that is appointed by us to keep track of our stockholder records and information. Our transfer agent is EQ Shareowner Services.

Please contact EQ Shareowner Services with inquiries about:

  • Address changes (seasonal or permanent)
  • Direct deposit of dividends
  • Duplicate mailings
  • Electronic receipt of Proxy Statement and Annual Report
  • Lost stock certificates
  • Name changes
  • Shareholder records
  • Stock transfers

General Information:
Toll free: 1-800-468-9716
Direct: 651-450-4064
Fax: 651-450-4033

General Inquiries and Account Information: – www.shareowneronline.com

Plan Requests should be mailed to:
EQ Shareowner Services
P.O. Box 64874
St. Paul, MN 55164-0874

Certified/Overnight Mail:
EQ Shareowner Services
1110 Centre Pointe Curve, Suite 101
Mendota Heights MN 55120-4100

Financial Information

When is Hilton Worldwide's fiscal year?

Our fiscal year ends December 31. Our quarters end on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.

Where can I find the SEC filings?

SEC filings can be accessed on the SEC Filings section of our Investor Relations website or directly from the SEC: www.sec.gov.

Where can I find the latest news and announcements from Hilton Worldwide?

Visit Stories from Hilton for all the latest news and announcements from Hilton and our full brand portfolio. For investor news, visit our News section.

Can I be notified of upcoming news releases?

Our website offers an automated email alert system that will notify you when new information has been posted to our investor relations website. Click here to sign up for our email subscription service.

Corporate Information

Where is the corporate headquarters located?

The global corporate headquarters is located in McLean, Virginia and we have regional corporate offices in Memphis, Orlando and Dallas, United States; Watford, United Kingdom; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and Singapore.

Who is Hilton Worldwide's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm?

Our Accounting firm is Ernst & Young.

Where can I find information about Hilton Worldwide's Board of Directors and Management team?

You can view our Board of Directors and Management Team by visiting the Board of Directors and Management Team sections of our investor relations website.

Where can I find out about franchising and other development opportunities?

Our Development page provides all our development and franchise information.

I am interested in working for Hilton Worldwide. Whom do I contact?

Hilton offers a world of opportunities for current and prospective Team Members. Please visit our Careers page to explore.

Where can I find more information on Hilton Worldwide's ESG efforts?

Our commitment to Travel with Purpose™ is core to how we operate at Hilton Worldwide. Please visit our Travel with Purpose page to learn more and view our most recent annual ESG report.

Whom do I contact at Hilton Worldwide about corporate sponsorships and donations?

To learn more about our corporate giving guidelines and to submit sponsorship requests click here.

What is Hilton Worldwide's Vision, Mission, and Values?

Our Vision is true to our founder's words: "To fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality." Learn more about our Vision, Mission, and Values here.

What are Hilton Worldwide's brands?

Learn more about our award-winning brands here.

How did Hilton Worldwide begin? When was it founded?

Our founder, Conrad N. Hilton, purchased The Mobley, a hotel in Cisco, Texas in 1919. He purchased several other hotels over the next few years and opened the Dallas Hilton, the first hotel to bear the Hilton name, in 1925. Learn about our long history here.

How many employees does Hilton Worldwide have?

More than 450,00 Team Members globally work across our corporate offices as well as our owned, managed and franchised properties. To learn more about our award winning culture, click here.

What is Hilton Worldwide's NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) number and GICS Subindustry number?

Our NAICS number is: 721110; Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels and our GICS sub-industry number is 25301020; Hotels Resorts & Cruise Lines.

How do I contact Investor Relations?

If you can't find the information you're looking for on our website or in supplementary disclosures, please feel free to contact us here or write to us at:

Hilton Worldwide
Attn: Investor Relations
7930 Jones Branch Drive
McLean, VA 22102

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